At Paul Gauguin Cruises, our staff volunteers time and supports organizations and charities in our community, along with those in the travel and tourism industry.
Members of Tourism Cares
Since 2014, Paul Gauguin Cruises has been a proud member of Tourism Cares. A 501(c)3 nonprofit, Tourism Cares is the charitable community of the travel and tourism industry. Founded by NTA and USTOA in 2003, with representation from ASTA, IATAN, and many of the industry’s leading companies and associations, Tourism Cares spans and connects the entire industry around giving back.
The organization channels the philanthropic passion and commitment of the travel industry to protect and restore valuable destinations we all care about—and supports those destinations as engines for prosperity and pride in their communities. Tourism Cares domestic programs focus on industry-wide volunteer events, capacity building for the nonprofit stewards of tourism sites, and scholarships and mentoring to support a talented workforce. Globally, their efforts include corporate social responsibility partnerships, strategic investments, and advocacy and education across the travel industry.
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Community Giving
Each holiday season we hold our annual food drive, collecting boxes of food for Northwest Harvest—Washington’s statewide hunger relief agency. The agency distributes food to area food banks, shelters, and meal programs. Staff members of Paul Gauguin Cruises also volunteer each year at the Northwest Harvest facility sorting and packaging donated food for needy families. Our staff also participates in the Children’s Home Society of Washington Holiday Helper program, located at North Seattle Family Center (NSFC), by purchasing and donating toys, games, and clothing to NSFC for families in need.
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